Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone! For this post, I'd like to count my blessings. Life has been pretty good to me, and I'd like to reflect and thank God for all He has given me!

First of all, a loving family. My family has always been there for me. They help me in times of need. We spend a lot of time together and have many good memories. I'm thankful to still be living at home with them.

I'm grateful to have two jobs that I love. Helping others is my passion, and I get to do just that. I work with a lot of amazing people. I've also been granted good health. I don't have to worry about much in this area.

Finally, I'm thankful to have gotten answers and gained insight into myself. I know what makes me who I am, and I have the freedom to be me! I like being different and hope to make the world a better place for others like me :)

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